A picture is worth a 1000... DOLLARS! To help ensure we get you compensated for work that was not on the original scope we need good pictures.
We need pictures before the project starts, as the project is getting done and when the project has been completed
Any supplement item that comes up during the project needs to have a good before and after picture so we can add it
Pictures Needed
A picture of all the elevations
For roofing jobs we need these to show landscaping
Pictures during tear off, We are looking for multiple layers and if Ice and Water was previously installed in case they don't have code upgrade.
Supplement items. Chimney Flashing is rarely covered initially
Photo of space decking showing the effected areas. (sometimes it only effects half the house)
We also need a photo showing the supplement item completed
Completion photos
For siding jobs we need this to identify the accessories insurance often overlooks
Pictures during tear off, this shows if there is house wrap and or fanfold on the house
Supplement items. Step Flashing is rarely covered initially
Supplement items. Certain adjustors will cover bad OSB
Space decking is typically covered but we need photos with a tape showing the gap
Photos showing the work being completed is helpful
Completion photos. Getting multiple elevations is helpful